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September 8, 2017
Gliding Home

Risk is as much a part of investing as is return. Two sides of the same coin. In many cases, it is likely that individual tolerance for market risk will wane over time. Often due to age-induced pragmatism, we might like our portfolios to become less volatile as our demands for the security of the […]

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August 4, 2017
Horizon Beyond the Peak

All the talk about record market highs makes for a bit of discomfort. It can only be down from here, right? In truth, we can never be sure what the markets will do tomorrow, next week or next year. That in mind, we believe the proper approach seeks to invest according to an individual’s investment […]

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July 7, 2017
Q2 2017: Quarter in Review

The second quarter of 2017 proved fruitful as political trends in Europe were more favorable than some had feared, while aspirations for global macroeconomic growth remained positive atop seemingly more auspicious public policies. Risks both obvious and unknowable abound, but so do reasons for optimism with regard to the supports for potential further investment gains. […]

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July 7, 2017
Enhancing Tilts

The Statera Investment Team maintains a vigilant watch over the mutual fund and exchange traded fund (ETF) landscape to ensure that we may maintain what in our view are the most relevant and cost-effective investment exposures within our portfolios. In that tradition, the Team has identified a range of exposures that provide more attractive positioning, […]

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June 3, 2017
Maintaining Perspective

On May 17, the S&P 500 Index dropped 1.82%. Day-after headlines were hardly subtle as breathless TV anchors whipped up anxiety like so much fresh cream. Compared to what’s proved a relatively tranquil year or so, the drop was noteworthy. But, while it might not have seemed such at the time, the day’s decline was […]

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May 5, 2017
Comforting Numbers

Experts agree: What tomorrow holds no one knows. Most experts, anyway. As we discussed last month, some folks appreciate more, some less, of the volatility that comes with an unknowable tomorrow. Still, market history has shown ways one can reduce the overall level of risk for a given level of return. A foundational tenet of […]

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